Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SDC trip

Today had a fun trip to Singapore Discovery Centre. IT WAS FUN! Seriously.. Let the pictures do the talking for the first time.

When I looked at how dark the sky was,it felt like dooms day was coming.

Then it rained heavily.

And then there was this. HAHA. I'm sorry acha. Please dont kill me.

Then there's the people that want their faces to be taken. I moved the cam. Dammit!

At the Army Museum. A typical bunk in the past in Tekong.

The tank.

The different flags of I dont know what. Ask Navin!

And thats pretty much all for the Army Museum. Did not really take alot of pictures. Was busy walking here and there,listening to tour guide and taking pictures of ourself. So,let the cam-whoring pictures flow!

And finally...

Till here. I'm going to bed. Bye!