Monday, April 6, 2009

my voice

I think its time for teachers to cut down on the nagging and get back to what they first came to class for: TEACH. Its true that we students do get abit out of hand and just lazy at times,but doing the nagging every lesson is putting me through the torture.

They are the ones that should be given the nag. But why do the teachers have to pull the rest down too? I dont get it. Sure it does give the rest a reality-check,but dont you think I had one too many already?

Just pretty much every lesson every teacher that comes in gives a nagging for the next 15-30mins. If you care about us,thank you. But if you want to give a wake up call to those who are not determine to do their work,you can always wait after the lesson or after school or when the class is given work to do.

The more you nag,the more we dont listen to you. And whats with the threats? Since the beginning of the year,teachers have been warning and threatening saying if we dont behave or whatever,they will write an offence slip. For god sake! No sec 5 student is afraid of it anymore.

Why? Simply because the actions taken are not helping. You only go detention. In detention,you just do your own work and wait for time to pass. How are the misbehaving students gonna learn from their mistakes that way?

You want students to learn from their mistakes,get it done then and there. Why wait till he/she commits another mistake? Or even few more mistakes. And seriously,loyang's way of disciplining is shit. I cannot believe I'm saying this but I wish Mr Azman and Mr Nassim was here to severely discipline the problematic ones.

And today,I've officially given up on the nags. Miss Sarifah came into a class and gave a nag again. I pretty much refuse to listen to her and did my own stuff. HAHA.

Till here.