Wednesday, April 8, 2009

breaking down soon

Had a long chat with Anesa over the phone yesterday. I was being lame,blur,random and sick in the head. Thats what I am for the past few weeks till now. She gave me a long silence and said,"You're at your wits end."

Totally agreed! I've been so pressured with SYF and school. I'm starting to get less sleep and I always start to feel sleepy at around 8pm. That is when I start to do my homeworks and revisions.

And I used to wake up feeling fresh and ready to go to school in the morning. Now,waking up is like a heavy chore for me. All I want now is sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep!!! URGH! I NEED A BREAK!!

Anyways,today went for the Germany interview. I've a feeling that I'm not going to be chosen. Simply because my attitude has changed abit for the worse. My teachers should know better. Well,it was no harm giving it a shot.

Well,i guess this post will have to end here. I'm suppose to watch a video for History tomorrow. Reminders for homeworks are adding to everything!