Wednesday, February 25, 2009

drama day!

I would obviously flunk my physics test. Why? Good question. Mdm Quek said the topics would be on Sound and Electrostatic. Guess what topic she gave? Wave,Sound and Electromagnetic Spectrum. How sick is that?

Sound I clearly didnt understand,at least I remembered some things from Spectrum. If not,fail the whole paper! And the next sickening thing was that there was no Bio test! Studied like want to die,in the end no test. Well,at least got more time to study.

Today something superb and what I've been waiting for to happen. One sec 1 girl was told off by my instructor. I'm so happy that he did it! She has been showing attitude since day one and she still can down there smile and gigle! Curse her la!

And Kemp turned up for drama although he was absent from school. Then went home in the rain and here I am! Tomorrow have Malay retest. Hopefully I'll do much better than the last one. I wanted to cry just looking at the marks. I'm abit particular about the marks I get this year for tests. No more fooling around!

Well,till here. Malay homework has yet been done. Shall start cracking my brains now. Byee!