Saturday, May 16, 2009

Couldnt stop listening to this song! Super nice. Especially when Justin Timberlake is in! *SCREAMS!!*

Last night talked on the phone with A and J. We talked from 12am till around 2am then my cordless phone just died. We were like in the middle of planning a joke la! Urgh.

Today stayed at home. Slept from 12pm to 5pm. Hah! I'm having a huge headache. Oh! and I just got news that my great grandfather was admitted to General Hospital cos he fell yesterday and injured one of the bones in his leg.

Well,he's a 97-year-old fragile man.What do you expect?

I'm bored right now and just hoping that someone would ask me out! I would love to visit my great grandfather but I dont know how to go to General Hospital. So,have to wait for my family.

Till here.