Friday, June 12, 2009

I was spammed! Woohoo! Didnt think I was that popular. Hehe. I think that these spammers dont get the objective of this blog.

Well,firstly this happens to be my blog and its where my daily rants are being posted. Its like a diary you see. Therefore I'm pretty sure I can say whatever I want and about whoever I want.

Sure there are people I dont like. But I also realise that there are some people that dont like me. But I just take it as it is because I'm not here to please everyone or force them to like me.

Actually,I was kind of expecting it because of seeing other people's blog being spammed. There were numerous of them mind you. Maybe its better if I dont have a tagboard. I can say whatever I want and nobody can back says me.

Smart huh? LOL.

Anyways,hopefully I can go out on Tuesday with the peeps and have a hell of a time! I need to get out of the house like really badly. I'm getting headaches!

Maybe its because I sleep too much. Well have been catching Ghost Hunters on YouTube every night on my sis iPod Touch. So pretty much every night I steal her gadget and scare myself to death watching such videos.

Till here. Now spammers,what have you got to say to this post? MUAHAHAHAHAHA!