I need really ample amount of energy to make me get through tomorrow. Right now,I'm really really really tired and my brain is semi-functioning. I need to sleep! But I obviously cant as I have a POA and Bio test tomorrow to study for.
Well,today was not that good. Except for PE. Had a blast playing basketball. The dudes are super funny with their remarks and everything. Then after that started to got irritated while in SS lesson. I just dont understand why people cant shut up their mouths. Seriously,is it that hard?
Then had Malay retest. It was not that hard but I had lost a few marks after finding out the answer to some qns. Looks like 40+ marks target has gone down the drain. It rained heavily in the afternoon. I wanted to come home badly and sleep but I chose to do my Malay compo at the very last minute,so I had to rush things.
And we got scolded in drama due to the mix up and forgetting of lines. I kept quiet most of the time. Maybe it was because I have been going through the vocal warm-up cycle every week and they still dont know what to do when they are appointed to lead the warm-up. Most disappointing was the seniors. I'm sick and tired of answering their qn:"whats next?".
And they are even choosy about the warm-up that they have to lead. How sick is that? Why cant you just do it? And it doesnt matter which warm-up comes first. The worst part is,most of them are not taking the warm-up seriously. They take it as a weekly routine and doesnt bring any difference to their voice projection.
Let me tell you, IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE IF YOU DO TAKE IT SERIOSULY AND IF YOU DONT! Half of them are not doing it properly. I just dont get it why people cant do things like they are supposed to. Is it so hard? So sickening! I just need to get out this situations for a while and just relax my mind. I'm tired of all
this shit!
Can someone please answer this qn: WHY IS IT SO HARD?! I dont get it.
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