Well,on Sunday was totally bored. Went to sleep then around 4pm this maniac called.
Farid: Syah,you bored?
Aisyah: yeah.
Farid: You want to go out?
Aisyah: NO! *call ended*
He always does that to me. So it was pay back time! After a mere 20 seconds of twisting,turning and staring at the ceiling...
Aisyah: Meet me under my block in half an hr.
Farid: Okay.
LMAO. So we went to Expo Crocs Sale. It was crowded but I still went ahead although he didnt want to. Idc. I'm not getting out of there until I get in. He saw a hot chix and wanted to ask for her number until he said something stupid which is not allowed to mention here. So,he lost the girl. HAHA!
Went to some other sales and off back home. Thanks for regaining the pain that was lost. I love you man. And thanks for encouraging me on everything that I wanna be in the future. Honestly,I have to say that you are the only person that remembers my promises from last few years and my ambitions and even down to the little-little things. I'll never let anyone replace this maniac of mine.
Anyways, yesterday went to watch Angels and Demons with sister and her colleague. She asked me to take the train at 5:30pm assuming the the trip to Vivo will take an hr. Took the train and ta-dah! I reached at 6pm.
I'm suppose to meet her at 6:50pm. So I walked around with only $7 with me and not being able to buy anything at vivo with 7 freaking dollars. I walk around alone some more. When she finally came,we rushed up to the cinema then finally waited for the movie to start.
I'll rate the movie,5 out of 5!!!!! It was PG with some violence. The only part that I couldnt watch was when a Pope was crucified and fire was burning at his legs. I might just get the DVD. There were really funny scenes too.
Okay I shall stop here before I tell the whole story.
And today was awesome except the part where some idiots changed my name to ASIYAH! Ridiculous. Probably did it on purpose. Oh well,karma will get you.
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