Saturday, May 23, 2009

Was busy doing some surfing on Yahoo! when I stumbled upon Kris Allen's picture. As I look at it,his face kinda reminds me of my instructor,Desmond-but more Asian. Then I started having flashes of Desmond's hardwork on the drama kids and how much i miss him!

He was the hottest male drama instructor I've ever had. The previous ones were:-
->Mr Wong with his V-shape hair. No matter how short he cuts it,its still V! And he likes to wear shirts like that has pictures of lizards or a chair that says 'I am God'. But the kids like to change it to 'I am Dog' LOL. I MISS HIM TOO! *guiling must be laughing right now. haha* & I still remember the kicks and punches he made us do. It hurts i tell you!! And recently faridah said he saw him with his gf. Good for you old man! Its time you make babies and stop calling us brats! And improve your films la!

->Benny with his super duper uber hairy legs. He wears berms,so can see. And he's so irritating. 24/7 talking about discipline and keeping quiet. Booshca! He's the worst we've met. We never liked him since day one.

->Oliver..dont want to talk about him. He's in one of the advertisements for the kindness thingy. He's the one in blue shirt smiling at the small girl and also the one running towards the lift. EWW!

Okay..its 11:39pm right now and I'm about to turn in so I think I better stop here before I get nightmares.

Before that,today was totally miserable. Stayed home all day with the accompany of Fad. I'm still suffering from stiff shoulders. Must be the pillow.

Initally,wanted to go Expo for Crocs sale. I love Crocs. But my bro's gf said that she's been queing for about an hr to make payment and the hall is extremely crowded. Bro told me the same thing yesterday too when he went there. But I dont care! I still want to go.

Till here. Thanks fad for the company.