I love these babes to bits and pieces. Today went to Han River at Easpt cos Mdm Halimah wanted to give the class a treat and also bond. Yeah we did. Among our own groups. HAHA
Had a great time cooking and burning the food. Yes,BURNING. Me,Cheryl and Wyelin were the surviving man-eaters. Thats what Navin said. Even when the boys finished eating,pretty much everyone else too,the three of us were still eating. Not full yet.
So we ended up eating lots and lots and lots of prawns. Wyelin did some experiment with the tom yam chilli and it turned out nice. Then Cheryl stopped. Left me and wyelin. Then he moved on to desserts. After that then we stopped.
Right now,having a hard time uploading all 118 pictures. ITS THAT MANY! I cant install the Active X Control cos it needs the administrator's password and my sis is asleep. So have to go the trouble of uploading 5 pictures that take approximately 15-30 mins. HOW SICKENING! You guys better appreciate all the time and effort I've put in.
I wont entertain anymore photo request after this. It will all be in Facebook. Back to Han River. So,bit by bit people left. Hakim left the earliest due to his dance practice session. WHATEVER!!!!!
In the end,left Me,Navin,Cheryl,Wyelin,Akbar,Sufi,Rahman and Mdm Halimah. Took a photo then off we went home. Initially wanted to take more pictures with Navin,wyelin and cheryl,but as you all know,there's no view or scenery in Simei,so we went our separate ways.
Came home and took a shower,relaxed and went online. I'm so sleepy! I tried to zip the folders for the photos since 7pm so that I dont have to upload on Facebook which is taking hours. Tried zip here,there,everywhere. Mission failed. So gave up and forced myself to upload on Facebook since most of my classmates wants it and it would be easier for them to just steal from the album instead of asking me to send to them.
So now I'm still uploading. Have 50 or so more photos to go. Wish me luck. Multiply AutoUploader is not installing! Whats wrong?!!!! Till here. BYE!
And here's the remaining survivors!

+ Rahman.